Public Hearing on Bills for Hearing Aids and Large Print Labels

Date: June 28, 2011
Time: 1 PM
Room: BI, State House

The Joint Committee on Financial Services will hold a public hearing on the following bills:

1. SB429 – An Act providing health care coverage for hearing aids.

Sponsored by Sen. Joyce (D-Milton)

Bill Highlights:

-Requires individual and group health insurance policies to cover hearing aids for children up to $1500 per hearing aid, per ear, every three years, and for adults up to $1000 per hearing aid, per ear, every three years.

-Requires coverage of audiological assessments and follow ups.

-Prohibits special deductibles, coinsurance, co-payments or other limitations on these services.

-Allows insured to pay difference for more expensive hearing aids.

-Prohibits lifetime dollar maximums for hearing aids.

Read S429 text at

2. HB324 – An Act to provide hearing aid coverage for persons with profound hearing loss.

Sponsored by Rep. Scibak (D-Hadley)

Bill Highlights:

-requires health benefit plans to provide 80% coverage for one hearing aid and related services per ear, every 24 months for insured individuals with bilateral profound hearing loss.

-Does not prohibit special deductibles, coinsurance, co-payments or other limitations on these services.

-Does not prohibit lifetime dollar maximums for hearing aids.

Read the H324 text at

3. SB472 – An Act relative to large print labels for the visually impaired

Sponsored by Sen. Tolman (D-Brighton)

Bill Highlights:

-requires insurance providers to provide coverage for the expense of a container large enough to be labeled with the name of the medication, the dosage, the dosage frequency and the expiration date in 24 point font for use by a person who is legally blind or visually impaired.

-policy holders would be responsible for re-using the device for refills and for new prescriptions as appropriate and returning the container to a pharmacist for refill.

Read S472 text at

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